They're Us
They're Us
10' x 25' x 25' garage
Hollowed log fort and white supremacists' websites within a greenhouse, gardening tools, chainsaw, 360° projection onto greenhouse, and a layered audio loop of lawnmowers circling Hate groups and individuals see American society as separate, and in a way estranged from themselves; yet they live among us, psychologically if not physically isolated, engaged in quotidian life, while harboring extremist, even violent views. Their self-isolation, coupled with a misapplied romantic perception of nature-as-sanctuary, creates grand illusions.

They're Us
They're Us
10' x 25' x 25' garage
Hollowed log fort and white supremacists' websites within a greenhouse, gardening tools, chainsaw, 360° projection onto greenhouse, and a layered audio loop of lawnmowers circling
Hate groups and individuals see American society as separate, and in a way estranged from themselves; yet they live among us, psychologically if not physically isolated, engaged in quotidian life, while harboring extremist, even violent views. Their self-isolation, coupled with a misapplied romantic perception of nature-as-sanctuary, creates grand illusions.

They're Us
10' x 25' x 25' garage
Hollowed log fort and white supremacists' websites within a greenhouse, gardening tools, chainsaw, 360° projection onto greenhouse, and a layered audio loop of lawnmowers circling
Hate groups and individuals see American society as separate, and in a way estranged from themselves; yet they live among us, psychologically if not physically isolated, engaged in quotidian life, while harboring extremist, even violent views. Their self-isolation, coupled with a misapplied romantic perception of nature-as-sanctuary, creates grand illusions.